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Tuesday, 18 May 2010

FW: VAT refunds on samples and gifts


Andrew Cawkwell


Watson Burton LLP


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From: Billy Cairns []
Sent: 18 May 2010 14:51
To: Andrew Cawkwell
Subject: VAT refunds on samples and gifts

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VAT News - May 2010

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VAT refunds on samples and gifts

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Dear Andrew,


Can your business claim VAT refunds on business samples and gifts?
An announcement from the European court is good news for businesses hoping to recover VAT overpaid on goods distributed as business gifts and trade samples.


For advice on claiming a VAT refund, please get in touch with your local PKF VAT contact.


The current UK rules effectively impose a VAT cost on many trade samples and business gifts that a business distributes. Beyond tight limits (see below), a business must pay VAT to HMRC on the value of gifts and samples at the time they are given away for free. In practice, many businesses instead opt not to claim the input VAT paid on items purchased for use as gifts and samples.


The EMI Group case
In an appeal brought to the European Court of Justice (ECJ), EMI has argued that UK law has defined samples and business gifts too restrictively. This view has been broadly supported by the Advocate General, whose written opinion is used as a brief by the ECJ to consider when making its final ruling.


Business gifts
Until now, the UK has only allowed input VAT to be claimed on business gifts with no corresponding output VAT charge, provided the item cost £50 or less. However, the law specifically excludes a series or succession of gifts to the same person that exceeds £50 in total during a 12 month period. The Advocate General agrees that the UK is entitled to set a value limit on gifts but believes it cannot apply a limit to a series of gifts given over a period of time.


Trade samples
The Advocate General also disagrees with HMRC's view that VAT relief can only apply to the first sample given to a particular person. His opinion indicates that samples may be given out VAT-free in a quantity that is sufficient for them to achieve their purpose as samples, but no more than that.


This would mean that businesses could claim VAT relief on a reasonable number of samples – based on the individual circumstances of each business.


Opportunity for claims
If the final ECJ judgment (expected summer 2010) confirms the Advocate General's view, UK businesses may be able to claim refunds of VAT previously under-claimed or overpaid under HMRC's rules. This is good news for many of the businesses who submitted historic claims following the Fleming case and for those with new claims covering the past four years.


What should you do now?
If your business spends significant amounts on samples and business gifts, speak to your local PKF VAT contact to consider the viability of a claim. 



Kind regards,

Billy Cairns


Tel:      0113 228 4137

PKF (UK) LLP, Pannell House, 6 Queen Street, Leeds LS1 2TW


PKF London homepage
VAT homepage

VAT refunds on gifts and samples.pdf (198.11 kb)
VAT online filing and cheque payments.pdf (203.26 kb)


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