Association of Business Recovery Professionals

Turnaround Management Association

Monday 8 August 2011

Administration Expenses - proposals for reform - an update

Administration Expenses - proposals for reform - an update

1 August 2011

Dear Member,

As you know the Insolvency Service has been consulting on the impact of the decision in Re Nortel and seeking suggestions for reform of the administration expenses regime. We have recently received a further request from the Insolvency Service for evidence to support the need for legislative change. To view the request you need to log on to the ILA members part of the website first and then click here.

We would encourage members to respond to the Insolvency Service directly with information on any practical experiences they have encountered arising from the uncertainties under the current regime. For lawyers, that experience may be particularly relevant to the questions raised by the second, fifth and sixth bullet points, but please do not feel constrained from responding to as many as you can.

Yours sincerely

Peter Cranston

Council Member

Insolvency Lawyers Association

Law Debenture sponsor of the Insolvency Lawyers Association

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