Association of Business Recovery Professionals

Turnaround Management Association

Thursday 8 July 2010

FW: Company Rescue Blog



I thought you should see the blog below, if you are not already aware.




Les Hodgson

Next Level Financial Management


Tel: +44 (0)191 548 6000

Mob: +44 7939 809 249

Next Level Financial Management Ltd is a company registered in England  [co. no. 04588786]. Registered Office: 17 East Grange Sunderland SR5 1NX

From: [] On Behalf Of CompanyRescue Blog
Sent: 08 July 2010 10:03
Subject: Company Rescue Blog


Company Rescue Blog


Is imitation the sincerest form of flattery?

Posted: 08 Jul 2010 12:53 AM PDT

For once this blog will be used to comment on someone trying to follow my shirt tails and use techniques and brand names that we have used successfully over 10 years.

Look at this URL (web adddress) What does that remind you of?

Well it is NOT THIS BLOG.

An insolvency lawyer from Newcastle has decided to copy the name of our blog, add a numeral "1" and then use that name to further his own marketing aims. I will leave it up to the reader of my blog and our web marketing content to make up their own minds as to whether this is smart or not.



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