Association of Business Recovery Professionals

Turnaround Management Association

Monday, 12 July 2010

FW: New CY4OR Newsletter

CY4OR - Experts in digital evidence

Digital Exposure

Q3 2010 Issue

CY4OR - Cityscape image


Welcome to our newsletter

Welcome to the third edition of CY4OR's quarterly newsletter, we hope that you enjoy the read. We want this newsletter to provide you with useful and informative articles therefore if you have any topics that you would like us to include in future, or have any comments, please contact me on 0845 658 4480.

Bethan Williams, Marketing & Communications Manager

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CY4OR leads crackdown on TV fraud scam

A gang of TV fraudsters face lengthy custodial sentences after profiting from selling illegal set top boxes to receive Virgin Media channels.  CY4OR was key to this investigation providing conclusive evidence in the high profile investigation which sends out a warning to other would-be fraudsters.  The illegal set-top boxes allowed people access to some of Virgin Media's paid-for digital TV channels for free.


The Times Business Ethics supplement

An extract from the supplement...'Joel Tobias, managing director of fraud specialist CY4OR, believes that monitoring bank accounts is by far the best way to detect when something is wrong.  "Misappropriation of funds, purchase order fraud, embezzlement, mortgage fraud, it all comes down to electronic transactions" he says.  This is why his company offers its forensic service in which a business can hand over its computers and CY4OR checks every email, every document for suspicious activity.'


Feature from CY4OR business partner, PKF Business Intelligence

Howard Hill was exhausted after an 11-day train ride to a remote farmhouse near Vladivostok but the hardest part of his job still lay ahead: breaking the news to a Soviet pilot that he had killed 269 innocent people.

At first the retired airman, Major Gennady Osipovich, was furious. After all, had he not been awarded military honours for shooting down a spy plane over the island of Sakhalin in 1983? Had he not expertly fired two missiles from his SU-15 interceptor to bring it down – and even been paid 200-roubles as a reward? In Russia, he was a hero.

"One by one, I showed Major Osipovich newspaper articles from all over the world – translated into Russian – which demonstrated that he had not taken out a spy plane," recalls Hill. "In fact, he had shot down a passenger aircraft, Korean Airlines flight 007. Then I handed him the manifest containing the names and ages of everyone on board and told him that no-one had survived.

"He just burst into tears."


Company News

CY4OR reaches new heights for London's Air Ambulance

CY4OR has raised more than £2,000 in a fitting fundraiser as managing director Joel Tobias abseiled 230 feet for London's Air Ambulance


Industry news

Will budget cuts raise the threat of terrorism?

John Yates, an assistant commissioner at the Metropolitan Police in charge of the country's antiterrorist police activities, has spoken up against the proposed government spending cuts.  Last week he warned that the cuts were coming at a time when the threat of an al Qa'eda inspired attack remained severe.  He also mentioned that less than two months ago, extremists plotted to kill a prominent British public figure.

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