Association of Business Recovery Professionals

Turnaround Management Association

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

FW: How quickly does the creditor receive what they are owed?

From: David Carter at The Sheriffs Office []
Sent: 13 July 2010 20:00
To: Andrew Cawkwell
Subject: How quickly does the creditor receive what they are owed?

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The Sheriffs Office

Clawing back what’s owed

This week we look at how certificated bailiffs can support commercial landlords in the recovery on unpaid rent and the repossession of property and land.

In the area of enforcement, we cover how quickly the creditor will receive their money once enforcement is successfully completed and the regulations around payment timescales. Please use the forward link at the bottom of this email if you wish to send these articles on to a colleague, client or friend.

We have a new competition for July. The prize is an ultra slim HD camcorder – perfect for capturing those great summer holiday memories! You can enter here.

David Carter, Director at The Sheriffs Office

Recovering commercial rent arrears


When tenants get into arrears with their rent, the landlord may use the ancient common law remedy of distress for rent to recover this money. The landlord does not need to obtain a court order. He may simply instruct a Certificated Bailiff to enter the premises and seize goods (“distrain”) in order to sell them to recover the rent. It is a very fast and efficient process – the landlord can instruct in the morning and the bailiff can attend … MORE

How quickly does the creditor receive payment?


When the execution of a writ of FiFa (fieri facias) is successful, the High Court Enforcement Officer (HCEO) will have either been given the outstanding money owed by the judgment debtor, or they will have seized goods and sold them at public auction or by private treaty to raise the necessary amount. In either case, the HCEO will retain the money recovered “in suspense”, i.e. neither belonging to the creditor or debtor, for … MORE

And finally...

Shoes give the game away

Our officers recently called at a property looking for a defendant. The defendant’s wife answered the door and stated that he didn’t live there anymore and that she had a restraining order against him for domestic violence. She showed our officer the order. But just then, our officer spotted a man’s shoes inside the house and gained peaceable entry to the property. Once inside, he made a diligent search for assets, only to find the husband hiding in the shower cubical. After some embarrassment, payment was made and he was reported to the police!




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