Association of Business Recovery Professionals

Turnaround Management Association

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

FW: Budget overview 2010

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Budget 2010
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budget overview

This overview summarises the main changes made by the June Budget applicable to businesses and individuals. It does not deal with matters relevant only to special categories of taxpayer, on which advice can be provided on request. 


For further information please contact Watson Burton's tax specialist, Richard Sowler on 07710 178 218.
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corporation tax

The main rate of corporation tax will reduce to 27% from 1 April 2011, and by a further 1% each year to reach 24% in 2014.  The small profits rate will reduce to 20% from 1 April 2011.

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capital allowances


Writing-down allowances will reduce from 20% to 18% and the special pool rate (for long-life assets etc.) from 10% to 8% from 1/6 April 2012.


The annual investment allowance will reduce from £100,000 to £25,000 from April 2012.


A 100% first year allowance is available for expenditure on new zero-emission goods vehicles.

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The standard rate of VAT increases from 17.5% to 20% on 4 January 2011.  Anti-forestalling and anti-avoidance provisions will seek to prevent creative invoicing/payment arrangements.  There is no change for zero-rated supplies or those charged at the reduced (5%) rate.

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capital gains tax


The rate remains 18% for basic rate taxpayers and is increased to 28% for higher rate taxpayers.  The amount of the gain is added to income for this purpose, so may result in a basic rate taxpayer becoming a higher rate taxpayer on the top slice of gains.


The annual exempt amount remains at £10,100.


Entrepreneurs' relief remains, at 10% irrespective of gains, irrespective of the taxpayer's income tax band.  The lifetime permitted total is increased to £5M.


Trusts and estates are taxed at 28% irrespective of income.


Changes take effect from 23 June 2010

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income tax


The threshold will increase by £1,000 to £7,475 from 6 April 2011.  The higher rate limit will be reduced by approximately £2,500 so that the increase does not benefit higher rate taxpayers.  The exact reduction will depend on the retail price index for September 2010.


The tax treatment of people non-domiciled in any part of the UK will be reviewed.

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national insurance contributions


Employees' NIcs will rise to 11% and employers' contributions to 13.8% from 6 April 2011, an increase of 1% in each case.  Employees' contributions above the upper earnings limit will double to 2% from the same date.


An employers' NIc "holiday" is to be introduced, probably from September 2010, whereby the first £5,000 of employers' NIc will not be levied in respect of the first ten employees employed by new businesses in regions outside London, the South-east and the Eastern regions.






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