Association of Business Recovery Professionals

Turnaround Management Association

Tuesday 29 June 2010

Fw: Masterclass "World Class Places"

Andrew Cawkwell
Direct Dial: 0191 2444338
Mobile: 07973 502809

From: RIBA North East <>
To: Andrew Cawkwell
Sent: Tue Jun 29 15:42:38 2010
Subject: Masterclass "World Class Places"

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A Master Class led by John Miller RIBA ARIAS,

"World Class Places"

What does this much vaunted phrase mean? Can such a place or building be commissioned by a Client? How does an architect respond to achieve that vision? How do we know if the ambition has been realised?

Date:   Thursday 22 July
When:  5pm for 5.30 start
Where: ARUPs Offices,  Central  Newcastle.
Format: 5.30 – 6.30 Presentation
           6.30 – 7pm discussion
           7pm refreshments & networking

Who should attend?
Commissioning Clients, Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, University Estates Managers and Regeneration.

To register please email or call 0191 374 0233

This Event is FREE but we reserve the right to charge a non attendance fee of £35 as places are limited.


John Miller is a Director at Bennets Associates, Architects. He will be talking about his approach to working with clients to deliver world class projects .. John was the Architect for the award winning Informatics Building for Edinburgh University and other projects which will form the basis of his talk.

Background considerations

The North East Design Review Service has seen a number of schemes that aspire to be "world class" and as part of the regional drive, commissioning clients and design teams aim to respond to high quality facilities.  But there is more to this; both commissioning client and design teams need to understand the aspirations of the competition in order to attract business. This Master class will drill down into these issues using exemplar projects. The Informatics Building has won awards for Architecture – but why is it successful? Who is Edinburgh University in competition with?

This talk is supported by:
RIBA North East
Constructing Excellence North East


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RIBA North East, The School of the Built Environment, University of Northumbria, Ellison Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST



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