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-----Original Message-----
From: Lowdon Katie <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 15:03:05
Subject: Capital Gains Tax - Entrepreneurs' Relief
KPMG - Audit Tax Advisory <>
KPMG - Audit Tax Advisory <>
Capital Gains Tax - Entrepreneurs' Relief
28 June 2010
As anticipated, the marginal rate of Capital Gains Tax ("CGT") was increased in the Emergency Budget to 28% (from 18%) but the Chancellor also announced a significant increase to one of the key CGT reliefs, Entrepreneurs' Relief. This is already a major talking point within the entrepreneur and family business communities.
What is Entrepreneurs' Relief?
Entrepreneurs' Relief was introduced in April 2008 and enables qualifying gains to benefit from a reduced rate of CGT of 10%. Each taxpayer has a lifetime limit on gains which can qualify for Entrepreneurs' Relief and, with effect from 23 June 2010, this limit was increased from £2 million to £5 million. Following the increase, this relief has now become very valuable and can result in a tax saving of up to £900,000 per individual.
Please find attached a flyer containing more details about Entrepreneurs' Relief.
Why should clients take advice now?
- Not everyone will qualify for this relief - shareholders who have less than
5% shareholding can do planning to improve their position
- With the right advice businesses and shareholdings can be structured in
such a way as to maximise the availability of Entrepreneurs' Relief.
If you have any queries or are interested in discussing the planning opportunities available please do not hesitate to contact us.
Jodie Barwick-Bell
0191 401 3840 <>
Graeme Whitfield
0191 401 3732 <>
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