Association of Business Recovery Professionals

Turnaround Management Association

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Fw: Tax Angle - Emergency Budget Edition

Andrew Cawkwell
Direct Dial: 0191 2444338
Mobile: 07973 502809

From: BTG Tax <>
To: Andrew Cawkwell
Sent: Tue Jun 22 21:17:52 2010
Subject: Tax Angle - Emergency Budget Edition

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Tuesday 22 June 2010

Tax Angle


Emergency Budget Edition




Dear Andrew


Bad News is Good News


George Osborne's first Budget was widely trailed in the media so most of the 'bad news' leaked beforehand. However, we must remember that this is the second budget this year. Alistair Darling raised taxes for next year by £8bn and for 2014-15 by £16bn. George Osborne has now added another £6bn next year and £8bn in four years time. Total additional tax revenues over four fiscal years in excess of £75bn: that is a lot of tax! Given a population of 60 million it represents £1,250 per person. If tax is only 23% of the equation, as per his announcement, then public expenditure cuts will cost each person £4,185. Now cuts and taxes do not affect everyone evenly but apart from the lower paid, everyone will be worse off.


The only tax breaks in the Budget were for business in reducing corporation tax rates and reducing NIC for low paid employees. The lower paid were also rewarded by a significant rise in personal allowances.


Click here to continue reading...


Best regards,


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Andrew Shaw

National Tax Managing Partner
0121 452 1515

Mr Osborne's Indirect tax Increase was Very Direct! 

The Chancellor announced an increase in the UK's standard VAT rate to 20% from 4 January 2011 – with anti-forestalling provisions.
by Jaysson Palmer


> Read more

No Exchequer gain without some Pain?


The change in the CGT rate will certainly spell pain for some higher rate taxpayers, but it is perhaps not as penal as widely anticipated.

by Richard Smethurst



> Read more

NIC to be Regionalised



The Chancellor announced that from next year there will be a small increase to the threshold at which NI contributions are paid, and businesses in some regions are to get NI relief.

by John Hill

> Read more



In Come the Income Tax Changes

Good news for the basic rate taxpayer as the personal allowance for those aged under 65 is due to rise from April 2011.

by Julie Osbaldeston

> Read more

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Property - A Building Blocks Budget

But what do the various new tax measures mean for property owners? This mixed Budget has some good news and some less helpful implications.
by Julia Rosenbloom

> Read more


R&D Relief & Intellectual Property for Companies

Companies carrying out R&D will be relieved to hear that there is no change to the beneficial R&D tax regime and that relieving measures will be revived.

by Laurence Bard

> Read more


A Cut in Corporation Tax but where is the Payback?

The Chancellor has made it clear that these changes are part of an ongoing reform of corporation tax.

by Robert King

> Read more

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